On-demand Webinar

What is missing? Common mistakes in Mineral Management and best practices

This webinar will start in

Thursday, November 10, 2022
1:00 PM | Central Time

Webinar details

Mineral and royalty acquisition, management and divestiture processes require accurate data across multiple disciplines. Rapid response times are needed to identify errors and underpayments, as well as provide clear, actionable insights to capitalize on investment opportunities.
Are you bogged down with paper-based, manual methods normally experienced by many mineral buyers, owners, managers and sellers?
Join Eliot Stone, Minerals team lead at Enverus and Catherine Medlock, Executive Manager at MacFarlane Company at 1pm, November 10th as they explore common challenges of mineral management and share real world stories of mineral professionals who leveraged technology to overcome these challenges.



Eliot Stone

Sales Team Lead

Eliot Stone is a leader of the Enverus Minerals Division, guiding a team of professionals that work with individual mineral owners, mineral investment funds, wealth management departments, banks, E&P mineral departments, and foundations. Many of these groups seek ways to leverage technology to automate antiquated and costly mineral management practices and generate actionable insights all along the mineral and royalty lifecycle – from acquisition, through management, to divestiture. Eliot began his career in minerals as one of the early employees of MineralSoft and as a legacy mineral owner in Texas.

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