Lessons in risk management: What we can learn from one trader’s $300M loss

Even multi-national conglomerates can suffer devastating trade losses. In 2019, a subsidiary to a global manufacturing firm was forced to shutter after a single oil derivatives trader racked up more than $300 million in losses when his positions settled prematurely. “Sound and thoroughly enforced” risk management systems are paramount What went wrong on that trade […]
Five Questions for ETRM Users Generating Forward Curves
As ETRM users move away from their legacy, Excel-based forward curves, they are choosing to collaborate with external partners to give them the flexibility, scalability and compliance options they need. But what questions should you address before you decide to collaborate with a solution provider? Will you have access to the data you need? Ensure […]
ERCOT Power Grid Outage: What Went Wrong?
There are currently millions of Texans wondering what the **** happened to the power grid this week. Across Enverus’ Texas workforce, hundreds of us were impacted and want to know what went wrong, too. In a world of overflowing opinions and speculations on what caused the massive failure to ERCOT’s supply, we want to provide […]
Volatility Ahead: Freezing Cold Sends U.S. Power Prices Higher
A fast-evolving cold weather system from Canada has cast a major arctic front across the northern, central, and southern plains. The series of storms is expected to hold strength through early next week. Forecasts predict the potential for record demand in ERCOT and SPP through early next week. Both regions are regularly exceeding their day-ahead […]
Build or Buy? How to Invest in Forward Curve Risk Management
Now that market phenomena like negative crude futures and even equity volatility bonanzas like GameStop are increasingly commonplace, chief risk officers are living their best lives. The limelight has never shined so brightly on risk management. I know I am not alone in my rubbernecking to watch the newfound stock market trading craze from the […]
Enverus Makes Sense of the Madness to Drive Trading Profits
Energy trading risk and market volatility derived from the U.S. presidential election are best managed with verified, accurate news and data management Enverus is delivering secure, validated and intelligent data solutions to commodity trading companies navigating the complex and dramatic impacts of geopolitics — and the current U.S. election — on energy commodity markets. Will […]
Revived Market Volatility Changes Everything for Risk Analysts
The world is transforming before our eyes. New market realities at play for energy risk managers were unthinkable before the emergence of COVID-19 and risk management has never been more important to energy and commodity traders. From 2020 onward, the people who analyze price risk will throw away their old playbooks. Risk analysts must push […]
How Social Unrest Showed Up in NY Power Loads This Summer
Government-mandated closures aren’t the only thing cutting into power demand in New York this summer. Once the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak in the U.S., New York maintained strict closures and travel restrictions throughout April and May. Its shutdowns were swift compared with the rest of the country. As early as March 24, my team […]
Risk Analysts Take Note—High Oil Market Volatility is Here to Stay
2020 has been quite a roller coaster ride—and it’s not even halfway over yet. To be sure, in recent weeks WTI crude reached a little bit of oil price stability compared to what we have been experiencing. But by no means is market volatility in the rearview mirror. In fact, the kind of volatility WTI […]
How COVID-19 Will Impact Power Loads During Summer Peaks
U.S. power markets have endured a transformative two and a half months as school, business, and some manufacturing closures have swept across the nation due to COVID-19. A little more than two months ago, the PRT team was analyzing the first results of our COVID-19 power load demand destruction models. (I wrote about the challenges […]