The Critical Role of Data and Supply Chain in Oil and Gas Operations

Make strategic supply chain decisions faster with data in a single source-to-pay platform In the world of oil and gas, the importance of data and efficient supply chain management cannot be overstated. These elements are the backbone of successful operations, driving everything from exploration and production to construction and sales. Accurate and timely data enables […]
Permian Well Cost Trends – Reflation and Innovation, Divergence and Convergence
Wells costs in the Permian dropped in recent years as operators applied lessons learned to improve capital efficiency. In response to the plummeting commodity prices in mid-2020, activity across all shale plays hit the brakes, resulting in a substantial decline in service costs. This demand-driven service cost deflation occurred concurrently with continued operational innovation in […]
PetroLogic Podcast
Listen in to Judith Dwarkin, Bill Farren-Price and Morgan Kwan summarize key insights from the February 2021 edition of PetroLogic.
U.S. Oil – Foot Off the Gas
Onshore U.S. drilling activity cratered in summer 2020 as the number of active horizontal rigs dropped 70% from pre-pandemic levels to ~200 rigs. Given Saudi Arabia’s unexpected cut earlier this year of 1 Mbbl/d of oil and pent-up economic activity signaling increased liquids demand for 2H21 and 2022, we are cautiously optimistic that prices can […]
The Texas Cold Snap — Where Do We Go from Here?
Texas’ energy infrastructure, despite being warned after the 2011 freeze about the critical vulnerability of our fuel supplies and power supply system, found itself frozen from a cold weather event that no one thought likely … or even possible. Our natural gas producing infrastructure was not weatherized. Our power plant and transmission infrastructure were not […]
Guyana-Suriname’s Recent Duds Take Little Shine Off World’s Hottest Offshore Play
The Guyana-Suriname Basin (GSB) is the most prolific exploration basin today with more than 10 billion boe of recoverable resource discovered since 2015, similar to the combined discoveries of all other major offshore basins in Brazil, Mexico, Gulf of Mexico, the U.K. and Norway over that same period. Though the amount of new-field wildcat (NFW) […]
And that is a wrap! We hope these past 3 days have been very insightful and gave you the necessary tools to identify opportunities, solve problems and prepare for the future of energy. WATCH SESSIONS ON DEMAND EVOLVE Keynote Speakers: On the last day of the EVOLVE Conference, we had two amazing keynote speakers, Peter […]
Today we covered how generational differences often stem from experiences, technology and news events that occur during our formative years of adolescence and late teens. Those differences result in traits that impact communication styles, how people operate within a team, and expectations for corporate culture and structured career paths. Generational perspectives sometimes relate to overall […]
EVOLVE Conference Recap: Day One
Today we covered the sector’s future, investability and how companies can best position themselves for success. There are a lot of moving parts that could take us in different directions and the sessions today gave focus to the convergence of demand destruction, ESG, the geopolitical environment, renewables, and recovery from a pandemic. Another key take […]
Is the Oil Market Really Great Again?
Last year, oil demand contracted nearly 9 MMbbl/d as the global economy locked down under the COVID-19 siege. Oil prices swooned. The OPEC+ group responded with record cuts in output. With no one to sell to and facing increasing storage costs, non-OPEC producers shut in barrels, too. These curbs in supply alongside a partial rebound […]