Uncover prime renewable project sites in MISO with planned transmission lines and customizable buildable acres
Renewables are a necessity to counter growing power demand and support decarbonization, but however, finding the least costly and most viable location for renewable assets is becoming increasingly challenging.
Why Shift Factors Matter – Marblehead Congestion
Marblehead Xf has been one of the top day-ahead and real-time MISO constraints this year. What you might not know is that some transmission outages caused dramatic changes in shift factors for this constraint. Our product, Panorama, uses topology-based shift factors to accompany our other market-leading congestion tools. Why does this matter? Identifying these changes […]
ERCOT Outage: How Large a Role Did Natural Gas Play?
The cold snap that hit the central U.S. in mid-February not only crippled Texas, but also supported price spikes from neighboring states all the way to California. The Southwest Power Pool (SPP) and Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) manage the electricity grid for Oklahoma (SPP) and Louisiana (MISO). In addition, the California ISO (CAISO), which […]