Trading & Risk
Our comprehensive insights allow you to optimize trading processes, such as contract settlements, profit and loss calculations, and risk management practices. Our robust platform provides extensive liquidity and price discovery data for U.S. domestic markets through our integration of Parameta data into the Enverus MarketView® platform.
Parameta Solutions is an essential partner for the trading and risk community. Their unique risk and pricing analyses cover diverse markets, providing exclusive insights on non-exchange traded commodities. With flexible Enverus delivery options—MarketView Desktop, ExcelTools and API— together, we empower our customers with customizable analytical tools. Parameta’s consistent recording methods allow cross-commodity comparisons, revealing trends and opportunities.
Gain exclusive access to U.S. domestic crude prices. Our comprehensive data ensures deep market insights, enabling strategic decision-making within the global crude oil landscape.
Leverage proprietary curves and derivatives data. Effectively manage price risks and navigate market volatility, safeguarding your trading portfolio.
Sharpen your strategy by integrating forward and historical data. Learn from the past to make informed decisions today.
Leverage Parameta’s nine essential proprietary curves, which form the basis for many market transactions.
Explore an extensive archive of historical data going back to 2015.
Receive automatic, systematic updates of end-of-day data for seamless data integration.
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