Disclosures: Enverus Intelligence Research, Inc.

Enverus Intelligence® Research, Inc. is a subsidiary of Enverus, delivering research products and services to institutional and corporate clients globally.

Enverus Intelligence Research, Inc. is responsible for the production and delivery of all Enverus Intelligence™ | Research products and participants in Enverus Intelligence™ | Analyst Access services. It does not exercise investment discretion over any securities, make investment decisions for clients, manage client portfolios, execute investments on behalf of clients nor provide investment advice tailored to the needs of any entity.

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Disclosures: Podcast

Enverus Intelligence Research, Inc. provides leading energy industry research, and is a subsidiary of Enverus, the largest SaaS company in the world solely dedicated to the energy market. Therefore, any company mentioned in a podcast may be a subscriber or client of Enverus Intelligence Research, Inc., Enverus or their affiliates. However, any views expressed in a podcast accurately reflect the speaker’s personal views about any subject securities referenced.

Podcasts produced by Enverus Intelligence Research, Inc. should not be copied, distributed, published or reproduced, in whole or in part. The information contained in any recording is provided for information purposes only and is not to be used or considered as investment advice or a recommendation or offer to buy, hold or sell any securities or other financial instruments. Information contained in each recording has been compiled and prepared from various public and industry sources believed to be reliable, but no representation or warranty, expressed or implied is made by Enverus Intelligence Research, Inc., its affiliates or any other person as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. The opinions expressed in a podcast reflect the judgment of Enverus Intelligence Research, Inc. as of the date of recording and are subject to change at any time as new or additional data and information is received and analyzed. Enverus Intelligence Research, Inc. undertakes no duty to update a podcast, or to provide supplemental information to any person listening to a podcast.

To the full extent provided by law, neither Enverus Intelligence Research, Inc. nor any of its affiliates, nor any other person accepts any liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of a podcast or the information contained therein. The recipient assumes all risks and liability with regard to any use or application of the information contained therein. https://energylevelized.podbean.com/ 

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