Customer Stories

Evaluate Deals Faster & Build Sustainable Growth With Efficiency Gains

Success at a Glance


  • Fast, thorough deal screening
  • Consolidate JIB invoices data for accounting


  • Quickly value assets with Enverus pre-generated forecasts, permits, rig locations & frac activity data
  • Validate findings based on proprietary data with Enverus data
  • Store and manage JIB invoices in EnergyLink


  • Find new opportunities before competitors
  • Significant time savings on deal evaluations
  • Increased confidence in accuracy of valuations
  • Increased process efficiency for engineering, business development and accounting teams

Client Overview

Riverbend Energy Group (REG) is a Houston-based investment firm investing capital in a variety of mineral and non-operated assets in the U.S. energy sector. The company completes all engineering, finance, accounting and land functions internally. With 50 employees, the company focuses on leveraging technology to scale sustainable growth and operations through increased process efficiency.




Find and Evaluate Potential Deals Faster

To uncover new potential deals, the company uses a combination of Enverus insights including production forecasts, titles, permits, rig locations, frac crew activity and satellite insights that show new road and pad construction. Importing Enverus insights into their internal proprietary solution, they can quickly and easily value potential opportunities and validate their own assumptions against Enverus data.

Scott Rice, Chief Operating Officer at REG, said, “We’ve used Enverus analytics and intelligence for 15 years. Without
Enverus, we couldn’t get the information we need fast enough to stay on top of the market. We also couldn’t value deals as accurately or as quickly. The research and development Enverus does – where your researchers are constantly creating and updating new data feeds – allows firms like ours to scale.”

Streamline the JIB Accounting Process

REG also access their JIB invoices through EnergyLink, a cloud-based solution that automates joint venture and owner relations business processes. EnergyLink saves REG’s accounting team significant time by having its JIB data accessible online.



Oil and Gas

Company Size

50 employees


Houston, Texas

Product Featured

PRISM, EnergyLink

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