Crypto Mining’s Growing Role in Power Markets
Crypto mining is gaining dominance in the U.S., where more than a third of miners worldwide are centralized. For Bitcoin, network power demand is in the range of 10-15 gigawatts per day, which translates to roughly 0.4-0.9% of annual global use. Miners are looking to situate operations in areas where they can source low-cost electricity […]
Workflows to Forecast Higher Minerals Profits
As a royalty and minerals investor, your financial outlook is only as good as the underlying production forecasts that consider decline curves and expected commodity prices. You need a high fidelity forecast to acquire, expand and divest at the best (defensible) price. Absent accurate forecasts, interest owners are left with difficult questions to answer, such […]
Digitalizing Source-to-Pay Key To Maximizing Time and Cost Savings in Operations
How Enverus Source-to-Pay innovation is helping operators make big leaps toward total operating efficiency Colin Westmoreland, Enverus’ chief innovation officer, spoke at our SPARK 2022 conference in August. During his “Innovation Acceleration: Source-to-Pay” keynote, Westmoreland discussed how the complexity of the energy industry requires a comprehensive, connected Source-to-Pay platform — and how Enverus is bringing […]
Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage: Finding Opportunities in an Emerging Market
The current state of carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) is dominated by the supermajors and large midstream companies who can afford to absorb risks in this emerging market. CCUS project developers are forging ahead without the typical commitments between an oil and gas producer and midstream pipeline developer. And, as we argued in our […]
5 Essential Source-to-Pay Process Automations for Oil & Gas Operators
Leveraging advances in oil and gas software to digitalize and automate your source-to-pay process is essential if you want to keep projects running on time and on budget while ensuring optimal performance across business functions. In fact, source-to-pay process automation plays a key role in helping operators overcome common challenges such as inaccurate coding, insufficient […]
Energy Market Growth and Production: 3 Trends You Need To Know
Operators and oilfield service companies need to keep pace with the volatile and rapidly evolving energy industry. However, if you are relying solely on public filings to make investment decisions or anticipate future activity, you’re shortchanging yourself. Public data often lags by three months and can be inaccurately reported. If you consider the state of […]
Identify Investment Opportunities With MUSE and P&R Forecast
With ERCOT’s frequent congestion in West Texas, getting the precise area (or line) when trading, managing or assessing congestion is crucial. Ending up on the wrong side of these constraints can be costly. The recent day-ahead and real-time trends have included strong LPLMK_LPLNE_1 congestion. But what is driving this congestion? Will it continue? Enverus’ new […]
How Source-to-Pay Helps Manage Asset Lifecycle and Make Better Sourcing Decisions
So, let’s recap. Back in August, we discussed Phase 1 of the asset lifecycle, “Evaluate & Acquire,” where you benchmark future inventory and forecast existing well performance using insights. Next up was Phase 2, “Design & Develop,” which allows you to run simulations and understand the asset’s impact from different variables on productivity, using historical […]
Enverus Intelligent Connections Reveal a Clear Path to Energy’s Future
Saying the energy industry — an industry accustomed to challenge and change — has been rocked over these past few years is probably an understatement. Pandemics, wars, wildly variable oil futures, rapidly changing energy policies and inflation have quickly increased the complexity of one of the world’s largest, most important industries. As the complexity increases, […]
Don’t Leave Hedging to Wall Street — Energy Clients Are Saving Billions
At a time of market volatility and skyrocketing energy commodity prices, we see more and more clients taking advantage of any opportunity to hedge risks and enhance profitability. For many of our downstream industry clients, this can include hedging risks when it comes to their fuel costs. Recently, Financial Times shared how “four fuel traders […]