Power and Renewables

Summer Power Market Outlook: CAISO and Mid-C

byRob Allerman

CAISO Summer 2024 Outlook

As we approach the middle of summer 2024, the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) region is slated for a season of dynamic weather, shifting energy demands and evolving renewable energy contributions. This blog is a recap of our yearly summer outlook webinar series which provides a comprehensive outlook on what to expect in terms of weather forecasts, electricity load predictions, renewable energy performance, transmission updates and potential congestion issues. CAISO has some interesting new builds coming up with a large majority of them begin battery and solar assets. Let’s dig into what the summer is looking like!

June 2024

Weather and Load Forecast:

  • June was expected to be hotter than average, with several heat waves anticipated.
  • Load was anticipated to increase due to higher temperatures, particularly in Southern California.

Renewable Energy and Transmission:

  • Wind and solar generation were expected to be strong, which will help meet the increased demand.
  • Key transmission concerns include constraints in Southern California.

Price and Congestion:

  • Higher demand and strong renewable generation could lead to moderate prices, depending on the balance of supply and demand.
  • Congestion risks include Southern California driven by increased demand and transmission limitations.

July 2024

Weather and Load Forecast:

  • July is predicted to have a mix of hot and cooler periods, leading to fluctuating electricity demand.
  • Load is expected to rise with increasing temperatures, especially during heat waves.

Renewable Energy and Transmission:

  • Wind and solar generation will continue to be robust, influencing market prices.

Price and Congestion:

  • Prices may rise during hotter periods due to higher demand, but overall July looks bullish.
  • Key congestion points will likely include NP 15 as well as other critical transmission lines affecting major load centers.

August 2024

Weather and Load Forecast:

  • August is projected to be the hottest month, with temperatures potentially reaching high levels across California.
  • Peak load is expected during heat waves, with significant electricity demand in urban areas.

Renewable Energy and Transmission:

  • Renewable generation may decline slightly due to lower wind speeds in late summer.

Price and Congestion:

  • Higher prices are likely if temperatures rise and renewable generation decreases.

MID-C Summer 2024 Outlook

The Mid-Columbia (MID-C) region faces a unique set of challenges and opportunities as we enter the summer of 2024. This blog provides a outlook on the expected weather conditions, load forecasts, renewable energy trends, transmission infrastructure and potential congestion issues. Let’s dig into what the summer is looking like!

June 2024

Weather and Load Forecast:

  • June was expected to be hotter than average, with several days more than 100° in Portland and low 90s in Seattle.
  • Load was anticipated to increase due to higher temperatures, especially during peak heat days.

Renewable Energy and Transmission:

  • Wind generation was expected to be limited, impacting renewable energy contributions.

Price and Congestion:

  • Higher demand and limited renewable generation could lead to higher prices.

July 2024

Weather and Load Forecast:

  • July is predicted to have more moderate temperatures, with cooler periods expected.
  • Load is expected to be variable, reflecting the changing weather patterns.
  • There is a risk of higher temperatures and load as some of our analog years show.

Renewable Energy and Transmission:

  • Wind generation will continue to be limited but increase this month, influencing market prices.
  • Transmission constraints to watch include the BPA grid and intertie points with California.

Price and Congestion:

  • Prices may fluctuate with the changing weather patterns.
  • Key congestion points will likely include the BPA grid and intertie points with California, as well as other critical transmission lines affecting major load centers.

August 2024

Weather and Load Forecast:

  • August is projected to be the hottest month, with temperatures potentially reaching high levels across the region.
  • Peak load is expected during heat waves, with significant electricity demand in urban areas.

Renewable Energy and Transmission:

  • Renewable generation may decline slightly due decreased wind.

Price and Congestion:

  • August is quite bullish, with higher prices likely if temperatures rise and renewable generation continues to be scarce.

CAISO’s and Mid-C’s summer outlooks indicate a dynamic season for weather patterns and renewable energy generation that will impact market conditions. Want to watch the full outlook for more details? Check out the replay of our webinar here: Summer 2024 Power Markets Outlook: CAISO, MID-C | Enverus

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Picture of Rob Allerman

Rob Allerman

Rob Allerman is Senior Director of Power Analytics at Enverus. Before joining Enverus, Rob was Head of North America Power Analytics at EDF Power Trading in Houston, Texas, and spent many years as a power analyst at Deutsche Bank. Rob also worked in the western U.S. for nearly 10 years at Power Utilities and started his career as a Hydrologist for the Federal Government.

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