Make confident decisions faster with the industry’s only near real-time, comprehensive generation
and congestion monitoring solution, MUSE. With one click, MUSE provides analysis that would take
days to compile.


: 114+ GW Capacity
SSS: 92+ GW Capacity
MISO: 130+ GW Capacity

ERCOT: 298 Generation Groups
SSS: 294 Generation Groups
MISO: 253 Generation Groups

ERCOT: 2598 Constraints
SSS: 1784 Constraints
MISO: 2572 Constraints

Superior Coverage

Identify more numerous and less-obvious investment opportunities with market-leading generator and constraint coverage across ERCOT, SPP, and MISO.

Instant ISO Updates

Prepare for market volatility by having up-to-date information at your fingertips via automatic updates from our proprietary state estimator.

Competitive Advantage

Get ahead of your competition with rapid, accurate, and actionable insights from our instant decomposition analysis.

New Standard in Shift Factors

Identify the best nodes and paths to trade for a given constraint with dynamic physical shift factors that utilize the same methodology as the ISOs.

Learn New Markets

Immediately understand the topology that drives the market, through our high-fidelity, geographically-accurate, and fully interactive map. Drill into specific generators, constraints, and transmission outages to quickly identify their measurable impact on power flows and prices.

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